Dear Eli,
So we've made it to the end of 2011, and what a year it's been! I mean, when your daddy and I started this year, you weren't with us, but now... well... you consume almost all of our time! And we love it :) In fact, as I write this letter, your daddy is sitting in the floor, trying to get you to eat. What's for dinner, you ask? Peas and Carrots. Your favorite! You've got food all over your face, and your dad is chasing you around saying, "You want a bite-bite?" So cute!
So let's talk about Christmas...
As soon as school was out, we left for Indiana. We got up at 4:00 a.m., and we were on the road by 5:00. We wanted you to sleep most of the way, which you did. Kinda. I ended up sitting in the back seat with you for the majority of the trip so you wouldn't cry. Because, let's face it, dealing with a crying baby for six plus hours isn't ANYONE'S idea of fun.
Once we got there, though, you were happy until it came time for bed. Your Grandma and Grandpa were kind enough to give us their room, but that didn't seem to matter to you. You didn't know where you were, you were starting to get sick, and you screamed. Every. Night.
Even though you were kind of a butt, that didn't stop your daddy's family from showering you with gifts. You got a walker from your Grandma and Grandpa, a puzzle and a puppy that teaches you the ABCs and what not from your Uncle Bob and Aunt Tina, and a Notre Dame jersey from your Aunt Kate. I have to admit, that jersey IS pretty cute. Even if it's not Georgia.
We had originally planned to stay from Saturday to Tuesday, but it was just too much, and we ended up coming home early. I think your Grandma and Grandpa were sad, but they understood. You needed to be in your own bed.
The week went by pretty quickly, even though you were super fussy and getting sick. That didn't stop the days from passing, though, soon it was time for your very first REAL Christmas!
This year, Christmas was on a Sunday, and while you got us up around 4:00 a.m. hacking coughing and crying, you ended up falling back asleep and we didn't get out of bed until 7:00 or so... and then it was time to see what SANTA BROUGHT!
Ok, so I have pictures, but they take forever to put on here, and I don't feel well, so tomorrow, I'll put them up. I promise.
What did Santa bring you, you ask? Ohhhhh, LOTS of things :)
For Christmas, you got...
A ball
(Another) Walker-I guess he didn't consult your Grandparents?!
Some Veggie Tales DVDs
An Activity Table
A Pop-Up Toy
Some Baby Tylenol (Santa knew you were sick!)
A Sippy Cup (You don't like it)
Some Night-Nights
Bath Toys (One of which lights up and squirts water. You don't like that, either. Bad Santa! Scaring the baby!)
And a bunch of other things I can't think of right now.
After we opened presents, we ate some cinnamon rolls, then it was time for church. Normally, we have a slew of old ladies that want to keep you in the nursery, but I guess because it was Christmas, no one volunteered. Well. You talked, squealed, gabbed, and spit your way through the first half of the sermon, and then your Grandmommy took you downstairs. Thank goodness, because you obviously needed to express yourself!
After church, we headed home. We wouldn't have dinner with my side of the family until Monday, so we got to come back, rest, and let you play with your toys. (By the way, we ended up eating at Hardee's for lunch because it was the only place open. If they still have Hardee's when your older, go get a Thickburger. You won't be disappointed!)
Your Grandmommy and Poppa came over later that night to see you (again) and see what Santa brought you. We ate dinner, hung out, and when they left, we went to bed!
The next day, we went over to their house. We ate filet mignons and baked potatoes and it was DELICIOUS! You were pretty crabby, though, because you were full-on sick at that point. We didn't know it yet, but you had an ear infection. Ouch!
You managed to stay pleasant through the presents, though, and you were loaded up again! You got a toy guitar from your Grandmommy and Poppa. He said he's bound to have a guitar player in the bunch! You love it, by the way. It makes all sorts of noise and you go crazy! (By the way, you are currently playing with the removable part of the walker your Grandma and Grandpa got you... and you love that, too! Anything that makes noise and lights up, right?!) You also got a wiener dog toy from your Uncle Andy and Aunt Jessica, a walker from your Uncle Cameron and Aunt Kelly, and some more bath toys and some money for your college savings account from your Grandmommy and Poppa.
So now, here it is, New Year's Eve. In the past, your daddy and I have gone out and partied it up. Not so much since we got married, because we're old and like being a home, but when were younger... you couldn't hold us back!
However, I have to say that watching you play with a pair of socks is MUCH more fulfilling than anything else I've ever done.
You wanna know what the best part of 2011 was, Eli? Every moment since 5:30 p.m. on April 8th. Because that's when you arrived. You've changed me in ways I didn't know were possible, and you've discovered parts of my heart that I never knew existed. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my sweet baby boy!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Dear Eli,
This letter will be super short, so I'm just going to call it a note... but I wanted to write you and tell you what you did last night! So your daddy had given you a bath, and I could hear you upstairs laughing and giggling with him. When I went up, you guys were playing basketball with your tiny goal, and you were having the BEST time. When you daddy is able, he'll send me the video and I'll post it for you. Anyway, you're playing playing playing, and you would consistently hold the ball with one hand, and hold onto the goal with the other.
All of the sudden, you let go with your other hand, and you just stood there. By yourself. And balanced.
You stood unassisted for probably five or six seconds, chewing on that little basketball, not realizing what you were doing. Of course we did, and your daddy had been videoing you, but he wasn't at that exact moment.
We were so proud of you! We started clapping, but you didn't know why, and I'm pretty sure you didn't care.We tried to get you to stand again, but you weren't interested. You looked at me like, "I'm not a monkey, mommy. I don't perform on command!"
You're growing up too fast. Last night was the first time I looked at you and realized you won't be a baby much long. It made my heart both achingly sad and wonderfully happy all at the same time. To know that you are growing and developing--how wonderful! To know that you are becoming more independent and don't need your mommy as much--how sad--yet wonderful! I know... I'm a mixed bag of emotions right now. It's hard to explain. You won't understand until you become a parent... which won't be until you're at least 30 because you can't date until you're 25. Ok. 24.
Ok, I have to go give a mid-term now, but just know that I love you to the moon and back, Eli James :)
This letter will be super short, so I'm just going to call it a note... but I wanted to write you and tell you what you did last night! So your daddy had given you a bath, and I could hear you upstairs laughing and giggling with him. When I went up, you guys were playing basketball with your tiny goal, and you were having the BEST time. When you daddy is able, he'll send me the video and I'll post it for you. Anyway, you're playing playing playing, and you would consistently hold the ball with one hand, and hold onto the goal with the other.
All of the sudden, you let go with your other hand, and you just stood there. By yourself. And balanced.
You stood unassisted for probably five or six seconds, chewing on that little basketball, not realizing what you were doing. Of course we did, and your daddy had been videoing you, but he wasn't at that exact moment.
We were so proud of you! We started clapping, but you didn't know why, and I'm pretty sure you didn't care.We tried to get you to stand again, but you weren't interested. You looked at me like, "I'm not a monkey, mommy. I don't perform on command!"
You're growing up too fast. Last night was the first time I looked at you and realized you won't be a baby much long. It made my heart both achingly sad and wonderfully happy all at the same time. To know that you are growing and developing--how wonderful! To know that you are becoming more independent and don't need your mommy as much--how sad--yet wonderful! I know... I'm a mixed bag of emotions right now. It's hard to explain. You won't understand until you become a parent... which won't be until you're at least 30 because you can't date until you're 25. Ok. 24.
Ok, I have to go give a mid-term now, but just know that I love you to the moon and back, Eli James :)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Your First Thanksgiving and Some Other Stuff
Dear Eli,
Tomorrow you will be 8 months old. Can you believe it? I know I can't. Your daddy and I were talking about that on the way to work this morning. About how, when you were born, we thought you'd be little forever, and how by Christmas, you'd be crawling and getting into everything... but that would be 8 long months from your birthday! Well... those months actually weren't too long, and here we are. And yes, you are crawling everywhere, and yes, you are into everything.
So let's talk about Thanksgiving, shall we? This year, we went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house. They just finished the addition onto the back, so there was lots of room. You were very excited to eat! You had a bib on that said "Baby's First Thanksgiving," and you were SO cute. However...
We ate kind of late this year. Maybe 5:00 or so? By that time, you were tired, so you ended up sleeping through most of dinner. I held you and you slept on my chest while I ate. It was actually pretty great :) By the end of the meal, you had woken up, and you managed to eat quite a bit of sweet potato souflee (I don't know how to put the fancy accent mark in there, so you'll just have to imagine it) and dressing. Oh, and ham. You LOVE ham.
So we ate, we hung out, you played with your cousins, it was a good time! Eventually, though, you got tired and cranky, and it was time to leave.
It was good. A wonderful Thanksgiving with lots to be thankful for.
Let me tell you this, though-- because your daddy and I had all week off, you did NOT want us to go back to work. That next Monday when I dropped you off, you clung to my sweatshirt and cried. You had never done that before, and my heart broke into a million peices.
You've gotten back into the routine, though, so that's good. However, it's going to get jacked up again after Christmas break. That's ok with me, though, because that means that I get to spend two weeks with you at home! I can't wait :)
Random switching of gears... We took you to your first basketball game last Friday! You had a great time. You crawled all over the floor (not the court, mind you), you watched the game, and you played. It was so cute! Here are a few pictures:
How cute are you?! We went out to eat before the game, and boy was it a mess. You woke up crying in the diner, clonked your head on the table, screamed some more, and stuck your hand in my plate of pancakes before I could get the bottle in your mouth. Awesome. I ended up having to change your clothes... which you did NOT like. It all worked out for the best, though, because you were clean by the time we left, and everyone wanted to hold you.
Ok, I have to go teach a class now, but I wanted to write to you while I had a minute. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James!
Tomorrow you will be 8 months old. Can you believe it? I know I can't. Your daddy and I were talking about that on the way to work this morning. About how, when you were born, we thought you'd be little forever, and how by Christmas, you'd be crawling and getting into everything... but that would be 8 long months from your birthday! Well... those months actually weren't too long, and here we are. And yes, you are crawling everywhere, and yes, you are into everything.
So let's talk about Thanksgiving, shall we? This year, we went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house. They just finished the addition onto the back, so there was lots of room. You were very excited to eat! You had a bib on that said "Baby's First Thanksgiving," and you were SO cute. However...
We ate kind of late this year. Maybe 5:00 or so? By that time, you were tired, so you ended up sleeping through most of dinner. I held you and you slept on my chest while I ate. It was actually pretty great :) By the end of the meal, you had woken up, and you managed to eat quite a bit of sweet potato souflee (I don't know how to put the fancy accent mark in there, so you'll just have to imagine it) and dressing. Oh, and ham. You LOVE ham.
So we ate, we hung out, you played with your cousins, it was a good time! Eventually, though, you got tired and cranky, and it was time to leave.
It was good. A wonderful Thanksgiving with lots to be thankful for.
Let me tell you this, though-- because your daddy and I had all week off, you did NOT want us to go back to work. That next Monday when I dropped you off, you clung to my sweatshirt and cried. You had never done that before, and my heart broke into a million peices.
You've gotten back into the routine, though, so that's good. However, it's going to get jacked up again after Christmas break. That's ok with me, though, because that means that I get to spend two weeks with you at home! I can't wait :)
Random switching of gears... We took you to your first basketball game last Friday! You had a great time. You crawled all over the floor (not the court, mind you), you watched the game, and you played. It was so cute! Here are a few pictures:
How cute are you?! We went out to eat before the game, and boy was it a mess. You woke up crying in the diner, clonked your head on the table, screamed some more, and stuck your hand in my plate of pancakes before I could get the bottle in your mouth. Awesome. I ended up having to change your clothes... which you did NOT like. It all worked out for the best, though, because you were clean by the time we left, and everyone wanted to hold you.
Ok, I have to go teach a class now, but I wanted to write to you while I had a minute. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Likes and Dislikes
Dear Eli,
Yeah, I just wrote you a letter, but I saw this on another mommy's blog, so I'm stealing it! I think I'll start doing a likes and dislikes list every couple of months... don't you think it would be fun to look back on later? Yeah, me too. Let's get started!
As of November 6, 2011 you LIKE...
Yeah, I just wrote you a letter, but I saw this on another mommy's blog, so I'm stealing it! I think I'll start doing a likes and dislikes list every couple of months... don't you think it would be fun to look back on later? Yeah, me too. Let's get started!
As of November 6, 2011 you LIKE...
- Getting kisses from mommy and daddy
- Giving kisses to mommy and daddy
- Anything off of our dinner plates
- Apple Sauce
- Walking in your walker
- Going outside
- Veggie Tales!
- Your bottle
- Napping in someone's arms
- Playing in the bath
- Playing at all
- Snuggling in mommy and daddy's bed
- Playing on the computer
- Watching TV... yeah yeah yeah, I'm a bad mom
- Taking a walk in your stroller
- Playing with Roxie
- Potatoes, lemons, pineapple... not necessarily together, of course
- Power cords. You LOVE them, actually.
- Reading books
- Playing in the dishwasher
- Trying to pull over the trashcan
- Running in your walker at ramming speed
- And a thousand more things I can't think of right now, but when I do, I'll add them, I promise!
- Getting your hair washed
- Having your diaper changed
- Changing clothes
- Getting in your carseat when you don't want to go for a ride
- Being told "No!"
- Sitting still
- Having your face wiped... or hands for that matter
- Not getting your way
- Being put down when you want snuggles
- Waking up in your bed in the middle of the night
- And a couple other things I can't think of right now, but when I do, I'll add them!
So Many Updates!
Dear Eli,
Oh my goodness... so much to tell you! Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
On Oct. 17th, we finally realized why you have been keeping us up all night long, and what all the tears were about. You finally cut your first tooth! Not two days later, the other one started coming through, too, and there you are, the two toothed wonder. With the advent of your teeth, you now think that baby food isn't good enough, and you want whatever is on my plate. Or your daddy's plate. Or your babysitter's plate. Or Grandmommy's plate. Or Poppa's plate. You get the idea.
Moving on, a few days after you cut your teeth, you miraculously started crawling! It was funny and we got some videos, but your daddy has them on his phone, and he's sick in the bed, so those will have to wait. But back to that day...
You had been trying to crawl for some time. You'd rock back and forth on your hand and knees, and then you'd lunge forward and face-plant into the floor. We thought it was hysterical. You... not so much. But we were up in your room, and you finally figured it out. I mean, don't get me wrong, it took you 10 minutes to go 5 feet, but things have changed since then. Now you're a mover and a shaker, and you crawl EVERYWHERE. I put you down in one place, turn my head, and you're gone. (By the way, you're currently cruising around the room in your walker. I looked up from the monitor and you caught my eye and gave me the BIGGEST smile. I LOVE YOU!)
Take, for instance, yesterday. I put you in your crib so you could play while I got a shower. When I got out, I heard you crying, so I went in there, and low and behold, you are STANDING in your crib. I thank God that we lowered your mattress two days before that. If we hadn't, you could have tumbled out. Anyway, I went and got you, and put you in the floor of the bathroom so I could finish getting ready. I've NEVER taken that long to dry my hair. Let's just say that every 30 seconds, I had to stop, grab you, and take something out of your hand to keep you from eating it.
So you're a crawler, which is awesome, and you can stand, which is just plain advanced, and you are cute, which is obvious, so your daddy and I scheduled a photo shoot to take some family pictures. We haven't gotten them back yet, but we took you to Piedmont Park in Atlanta last Sunday. It was absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to see how the pictures turned out. At first, you weren't too interested. We tried to get you to smile, but you weren't having it. We took a picture kissing your cheeks... and you are screaming. Awesome! I put you into the stroller, though, and propped the bottle up where you could eat (you refuse to hold it yourself, you lazy baby), and your daddy and I took some pictures, just the two of us. After you had eaten, you were in a much better mood, and you were just adorable. At one point, we were down on a dock, looking at some ducks on a pond. And of all places that you could have done this, you did it right there. You kicked your BRAND NEW SHOE off into the water. It was the first time you had ever worn then. And we all watched as it floated off into the water. I even think the photographer got a picture of it. But as your daddy pointed it, that won't be the last thing we buy for you that only gets used once before it's lost or destroyed.
This takes us up to Halloween. These are some of the pictures taken from the weekend leading up to the holiday:
We went to a Halloween party, and that's where you wore the skunk costume you borrowed from your cousin Jack. The jammies are also from him. Thanks, Jack, Uncle Andy, and Aunt Jessica!
Then... there was Halloween. Your father swears you'll hate me for your costume, and you'll be embarrassed when you're older. Well son... let's just say I can't wait for you to bring your first girlfriend home, because THIS is what I'll show her:
That's right, Bubba... we dressed you up like a redneck! You had a mullet wig, a sweet flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, a pair of blue jeans, and a buck-teeth pacifier... that you refused to keep in. Notice that I'm holding it in your mouth in the picture that includes that piece of the costume. Your Grandmommy thought it was funny. She laughed, and laughed, and laughed! Your Poppa, though... I'm not so sure about him. He hates that we call you Bubba in the first place, but that didn't stop him from going trick-or-treating with us, and he carried you up to more than one front door in that AWESOME costume.
And now, here we are, and you're almost 7 months old. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. You're growing up so fast, and I can't stand the thought of you not needing me any more. Right now, you are mommy's baby. You love love love your momma! And I'm eating it up :) In fact, I had to stop mid paragraph here because you had toddled over in your walker, and you were wimpering, holding your arms up for me to get you. So of course I did! Just know, baby boy, that you are the greatest single thing I have ever done with my life, and while it hurts me to watch your move out of the infant stage, I can't wait to see what you become. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Oh my goodness... so much to tell you! Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
On Oct. 17th, we finally realized why you have been keeping us up all night long, and what all the tears were about. You finally cut your first tooth! Not two days later, the other one started coming through, too, and there you are, the two toothed wonder. With the advent of your teeth, you now think that baby food isn't good enough, and you want whatever is on my plate. Or your daddy's plate. Or your babysitter's plate. Or Grandmommy's plate. Or Poppa's plate. You get the idea.
Moving on, a few days after you cut your teeth, you miraculously started crawling! It was funny and we got some videos, but your daddy has them on his phone, and he's sick in the bed, so those will have to wait. But back to that day...
You had been trying to crawl for some time. You'd rock back and forth on your hand and knees, and then you'd lunge forward and face-plant into the floor. We thought it was hysterical. You... not so much. But we were up in your room, and you finally figured it out. I mean, don't get me wrong, it took you 10 minutes to go 5 feet, but things have changed since then. Now you're a mover and a shaker, and you crawl EVERYWHERE. I put you down in one place, turn my head, and you're gone. (By the way, you're currently cruising around the room in your walker. I looked up from the monitor and you caught my eye and gave me the BIGGEST smile. I LOVE YOU!)
Take, for instance, yesterday. I put you in your crib so you could play while I got a shower. When I got out, I heard you crying, so I went in there, and low and behold, you are STANDING in your crib. I thank God that we lowered your mattress two days before that. If we hadn't, you could have tumbled out. Anyway, I went and got you, and put you in the floor of the bathroom so I could finish getting ready. I've NEVER taken that long to dry my hair. Let's just say that every 30 seconds, I had to stop, grab you, and take something out of your hand to keep you from eating it.
So you're a crawler, which is awesome, and you can stand, which is just plain advanced, and you are cute, which is obvious, so your daddy and I scheduled a photo shoot to take some family pictures. We haven't gotten them back yet, but we took you to Piedmont Park in Atlanta last Sunday. It was absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to see how the pictures turned out. At first, you weren't too interested. We tried to get you to smile, but you weren't having it. We took a picture kissing your cheeks... and you are screaming. Awesome! I put you into the stroller, though, and propped the bottle up where you could eat (you refuse to hold it yourself, you lazy baby), and your daddy and I took some pictures, just the two of us. After you had eaten, you were in a much better mood, and you were just adorable. At one point, we were down on a dock, looking at some ducks on a pond. And of all places that you could have done this, you did it right there. You kicked your BRAND NEW SHOE off into the water. It was the first time you had ever worn then. And we all watched as it floated off into the water. I even think the photographer got a picture of it. But as your daddy pointed it, that won't be the last thing we buy for you that only gets used once before it's lost or destroyed.
This takes us up to Halloween. These are some of the pictures taken from the weekend leading up to the holiday:
Do you see your teeth? So stinkin' cute!
We went to a Halloween party, and that's where you wore the skunk costume you borrowed from your cousin Jack. The jammies are also from him. Thanks, Jack, Uncle Andy, and Aunt Jessica!
Then... there was Halloween. Your father swears you'll hate me for your costume, and you'll be embarrassed when you're older. Well son... let's just say I can't wait for you to bring your first girlfriend home, because THIS is what I'll show her:
That's right, Bubba... we dressed you up like a redneck! You had a mullet wig, a sweet flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, a pair of blue jeans, and a buck-teeth pacifier... that you refused to keep in. Notice that I'm holding it in your mouth in the picture that includes that piece of the costume. Your Grandmommy thought it was funny. She laughed, and laughed, and laughed! Your Poppa, though... I'm not so sure about him. He hates that we call you Bubba in the first place, but that didn't stop him from going trick-or-treating with us, and he carried you up to more than one front door in that AWESOME costume.
And now, here we are, and you're almost 7 months old. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. You're growing up so fast, and I can't stand the thought of you not needing me any more. Right now, you are mommy's baby. You love love love your momma! And I'm eating it up :) In fact, I had to stop mid paragraph here because you had toddled over in your walker, and you were wimpering, holding your arms up for me to get you. So of course I did! Just know, baby boy, that you are the greatest single thing I have ever done with my life, and while it hurts me to watch your move out of the infant stage, I can't wait to see what you become. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Your Half-Birthday
Dear Eli,
This weekend was your half-birthday! Six months have gone by already... it makes me happy and sad all at the same time. We won't talk about that right now because if we do, I'll cry. So... on to less tearful subjects! To celebrate, your grandparents came all the way down from Indiana to see you. They've been here all weekend, and boy have you been loved! We've eaten and laughed and eaten some more. On Saturday night, Aunt Kate's boyfriend, Tom, was over hanging out with all of us. You fell asleep on him and I think he pretty much loved it :)
So for your your half-birthday, Grandma and Grandpa bought you a present: A light-up ball that rolls around. Honestly, I think it might be possessed. It rolls by itself, and then it will say "Bye-Bye!"... but 5 seconds later, it's flashing and rolling around again. You're about the only person that think that's funny, though, and while the rest of us are staring at it, willing the ball to turn off, you'll be laughing. You're trying to crawl now, so I have no doubt that in no time flat, you're going to be chasing after it.
We're also kinda sure that you said your first word this weekend. You looked at your rubber ducky and said "duck." As plain as could be! You said it several times... who knows if it was a fluke or not, but your mommy likes to think you're advanced, so in my mind, you said it.
I also wanted to tell you that I took you to the doctor today for your six month check-up. You literally pooped and peed all over that exam room. TWICE. Just thought I'd throw that in here so I can tease you about it when you're older. The nurse looked at me like, "Get control of your son's wiener, please!" But I couldn't get the diaper on you fast enough. Let's just say I was wiping up pee-pee from... well... everywhere.
By the way, you're currently in the floor with your Grandma and Grandpa, and they are rolling a (non-demon possessed) ball with you. Your Grandpa said it's a "ground ball drill." However, you seem more interested in eating the ball than rolling it back. Check out the pictures I just took...
Every time your Grandpa rolls it to you and it hits your feet, you laugh and giggle. Here's a video:
Last thing and then I'll be done for the night... I was at a crafts fair with your Grandmommy and Poppa a few weeks ago, and I found the perfect sign. It said "I love you to the moon and back," so of course I had to buy it. It's currently hanging in your room by your door.
So with that, I'll leave you for now, but not really because I'll never leave you. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
PS-Sorry this is kind of a disjointed and not very well written letter. There is a lot going on in the living room right now and I'm distracted. Next time, though, I will be so loquacious you won't be able to stand it!
This weekend was your half-birthday! Six months have gone by already... it makes me happy and sad all at the same time. We won't talk about that right now because if we do, I'll cry. So... on to less tearful subjects! To celebrate, your grandparents came all the way down from Indiana to see you. They've been here all weekend, and boy have you been loved! We've eaten and laughed and eaten some more. On Saturday night, Aunt Kate's boyfriend, Tom, was over hanging out with all of us. You fell asleep on him and I think he pretty much loved it :)
So for your your half-birthday, Grandma and Grandpa bought you a present: A light-up ball that rolls around. Honestly, I think it might be possessed. It rolls by itself, and then it will say "Bye-Bye!"... but 5 seconds later, it's flashing and rolling around again. You're about the only person that think that's funny, though, and while the rest of us are staring at it, willing the ball to turn off, you'll be laughing. You're trying to crawl now, so I have no doubt that in no time flat, you're going to be chasing after it.
We're also kinda sure that you said your first word this weekend. You looked at your rubber ducky and said "duck." As plain as could be! You said it several times... who knows if it was a fluke or not, but your mommy likes to think you're advanced, so in my mind, you said it.
I also wanted to tell you that I took you to the doctor today for your six month check-up. You literally pooped and peed all over that exam room. TWICE. Just thought I'd throw that in here so I can tease you about it when you're older. The nurse looked at me like, "Get control of your son's wiener, please!" But I couldn't get the diaper on you fast enough. Let's just say I was wiping up pee-pee from... well... everywhere.
By the way, you're currently in the floor with your Grandma and Grandpa, and they are rolling a (non-demon possessed) ball with you. Your Grandpa said it's a "ground ball drill." However, you seem more interested in eating the ball than rolling it back. Check out the pictures I just took...
Every time your Grandpa rolls it to you and it hits your feet, you laugh and giggle. Here's a video:
Ok, I do have a video, but Blogspot won't upload it. I'll try again later.
Last thing and then I'll be done for the night... I was at a crafts fair with your Grandmommy and Poppa a few weeks ago, and I found the perfect sign. It said "I love you to the moon and back," so of course I had to buy it. It's currently hanging in your room by your door.
So with that, I'll leave you for now, but not really because I'll never leave you. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
PS-Sorry this is kind of a disjointed and not very well written letter. There is a lot going on in the living room right now and I'm distracted. Next time, though, I will be so loquacious you won't be able to stand it!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Look at You, Big Boy!
Dear Eli,
Wow... that's all I can say. The last few weeks since I've written you last... just... wow. Let's begin by telling you that you can now sit up all by yourself! You're growing like a crazy man and I've officially put away all your 3 month clothing. I mean, I guess it was time. You're 5 months old now... I guess I was just hoping you could still fit. You're now wearing all 3-6 month size clothes, and every once in a while, you'll sport something that is 6-9 month. Will you just slow down, please? PLEASE?!
With all this growing that you're doing, you're teething. And I have to admit, it's kinda terrible. For the last week or so, you've been keeping your daddy and I up all. night. long. Today is Saturday, and on Tuesday of this week, I couldn't take it any more. I had reached my breaking point. I was exhausted. Your daddy was exhausted. You were even exhausted. I cried that morning as I was getting ready for work, cried on the way there, cried when I got to school, cried in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th periods, and cried when I got home.
That night when I put you to bed, I prayed that God would not only watch over you, but also allow you to sleep.
He granted me that prayer.
But that's been the only night.
Needless to say, we are TIRED, but life doesn't stop just because your mommy and daddy are sleepy. Last night, you and I went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house because Grandmommy needed help making cupcakes for a wedding shower we all went to today. Your Poppa got to spend a lot of time with you last night while your Grandmommy and I were in the kitchen. He fed you (you had a banana for the first time!), played with you, and then gave you a bath. After we were done in the kitchen, your Grandmommy came in played with you. You kept laughing and giggling at her. You thought she was pretty funny! This is you hanging out with them:
So, the wedding shower was cowboy themed, and we all dressed up. I wish we had taken a picture because you looked SO cute. You had on a white t-shirt, dark jeans, and a bandanna. Your daddy even dressed up... what a good sport! He was happy, though, that we got home in time for the Notre Dame game, which leads me to my next point.
So you're going to grow up confused. Who do I cheer for? Notre Dame? UGA? Both? Your daddy and me have had some friend, yet heated, discussions about this topic. We finally came to the decision that you can cheer for both, but remember that if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy... ;)
But really, none of us have been happy with either team lately. Georgia started off 0-2 and Notre Dame was the same. Here are some pictures from your very first game day! (Yes, we changed your clothes for each game!)
Yeah....... we both lost that day.
But good news! Both UGA and Notre Dame won today!! Georgia beat Coastal Carolina (I know, right?! They better have won!), and Notre Dame beat Michigan State. So today, you have two very happy parents!
And you know what makes you the most happy? Walking in your walker! Yes, you've already started scooting around in one. It's really cute. When your daddy gets home from the restaurant with our dinner (celebratory chicken wings!), I'll post a video of you toddling around. It's so cute! Actually, as I'm sitting here writing to you, you're cruisin' around the living room. The coffee table is covered in clean laundry I've had to stop you from pulling things off of it several times now. You LOVE being able to get around! This is you right now:
Ok, Bubba, I gotta go now. You're busily pulling all my clean underwear into the floor. Apparently you think it's funny to make a mess. I love to you to the moon and back, Eli James!
Wow... that's all I can say. The last few weeks since I've written you last... just... wow. Let's begin by telling you that you can now sit up all by yourself! You're growing like a crazy man and I've officially put away all your 3 month clothing. I mean, I guess it was time. You're 5 months old now... I guess I was just hoping you could still fit. You're now wearing all 3-6 month size clothes, and every once in a while, you'll sport something that is 6-9 month. Will you just slow down, please? PLEASE?!
With all this growing that you're doing, you're teething. And I have to admit, it's kinda terrible. For the last week or so, you've been keeping your daddy and I up all. night. long. Today is Saturday, and on Tuesday of this week, I couldn't take it any more. I had reached my breaking point. I was exhausted. Your daddy was exhausted. You were even exhausted. I cried that morning as I was getting ready for work, cried on the way there, cried when I got to school, cried in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th periods, and cried when I got home.
That night when I put you to bed, I prayed that God would not only watch over you, but also allow you to sleep.
He granted me that prayer.
But that's been the only night.
Needless to say, we are TIRED, but life doesn't stop just because your mommy and daddy are sleepy. Last night, you and I went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house because Grandmommy needed help making cupcakes for a wedding shower we all went to today. Your Poppa got to spend a lot of time with you last night while your Grandmommy and I were in the kitchen. He fed you (you had a banana for the first time!), played with you, and then gave you a bath. After we were done in the kitchen, your Grandmommy came in played with you. You kept laughing and giggling at her. You thought she was pretty funny! This is you hanging out with them:
So, the wedding shower was cowboy themed, and we all dressed up. I wish we had taken a picture because you looked SO cute. You had on a white t-shirt, dark jeans, and a bandanna. Your daddy even dressed up... what a good sport! He was happy, though, that we got home in time for the Notre Dame game, which leads me to my next point.
So you're going to grow up confused. Who do I cheer for? Notre Dame? UGA? Both? Your daddy and me have had some friend, yet heated, discussions about this topic. We finally came to the decision that you can cheer for both, but remember that if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy... ;)
But really, none of us have been happy with either team lately. Georgia started off 0-2 and Notre Dame was the same. Here are some pictures from your very first game day! (Yes, we changed your clothes for each game!)
Yeah....... we both lost that day.
But good news! Both UGA and Notre Dame won today!! Georgia beat Coastal Carolina (I know, right?! They better have won!), and Notre Dame beat Michigan State. So today, you have two very happy parents!
And you know what makes you the most happy? Walking in your walker! Yes, you've already started scooting around in one. It's really cute. When your daddy gets home from the restaurant with our dinner (celebratory chicken wings!), I'll post a video of you toddling around. It's so cute! Actually, as I'm sitting here writing to you, you're cruisin' around the living room. The coffee table is covered in clean laundry I've had to stop you from pulling things off of it several times now. You LOVE being able to get around! This is you right now:
Ok, Bubba, I gotta go now. You're busily pulling all my clean underwear into the floor. Apparently you think it's funny to make a mess. I love to you to the moon and back, Eli James!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A little of this, a little of that...
Dear Eli,
I've waited a couple of weeks to write you because it's been a little stressful for me. To begin, school is kicking my boo-tay. Not that it's your problem, you just know I feel guilty every time I have to leave you, and, well... this year is just hard. Then, I got wind of a young father I went to high school with who lost his son. He was a year old. The night that I heard that, I sat in your room and watched you sleep. I prayed to God that he would give that young family peace and comfort, and then I asked that he never take you from me. To be honest, I needed a couple of weeks to process that all. I can't think about their situation without crying because of course, I think of you. So I just needed some time.
So what do you want to talk about today? I was thinking about telling you how we chose your name. Would you like to hear that? Ok, so here goes...
Remember that I told you at first I thought you were a girl. We only had girl names picked out and we had narrowed it down to a couple front runners. I wouldn't even consider boy names because I just KNEW you were a chick. As we can now see, I was wrong.
That October afternoon when we went to see if you really were a girl, your daddy and I sat nervously at a the special sonography place. Beyond just wanting to see what you were, we wanted to make sure you were ok, and we knew that if something was wrong, we'd be able to see it... on a GIANT, 3D movie screen.
So there we were, nervous, pukey (at least I was), and excited. They finally called our name and back we went. As the lady is moving the wand over my belly, she stops. Your daddy was holding on to my arm... and then she said the magic words: "I see a penis!"
Your daddy squeezed my arm and I cried because not only were you healthy, but you were gonna be a BOY! Just to be fair, I would have cried if you had been a girl, too. I was very weepy when I was pregnant. Actually, I'm pretty weepy all the time... you'll realize this as you get older.
As we left, we called our families and told them the good news... then we looked at each other and said, "Well, I guess we can throw all the girl names out the window!"
We started looking at biblical names. We knew we wanted you to be a man of God, and what better way to start you off than by naming you after one of His servants? We knew that names like Matthew and John were out--too common. I liked Luke, but one of our friends had recently named her baby that same name, and we didn't want to seem like we were copy cats. We tossed around Noah. Noah Boehman. Sounds good, right? But again... too many Noahs.
Then I said Eli. Eli. Eli. Eli. We liked. We loved it! So I started doing some research on Eli in the bible... turns out he was kind of a bad father. A bit spineless, in fact. I was devestated.
I ended up telling this story to a woman your daddy and I work with, and she ended up talking me back into naming you Eli. She explained that while Eli from the bible had his flaws, he was a man of God. And besides that, some of the greatest men in the bible weren't exactly wonderful men, but God used them to relay his message. David, for example, was kind of a...errr... well... he just wasn't that great. But we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, and Eli from the bible was no different.
After that, Eli was your name. We called you that from that moment on... and prayed to God that you looked like an Eli, because if you didn't, we didn't have a backup. Thankfully, though, when you were born, you looked like you could support that name, and thus, it was.
So Eli, I'm charging you to live up to the name you were given. While I expect you to stumble at some points in your life, never forget that you were named after one of God's men, and He will always guide you. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
I've waited a couple of weeks to write you because it's been a little stressful for me. To begin, school is kicking my boo-tay. Not that it's your problem, you just know I feel guilty every time I have to leave you, and, well... this year is just hard. Then, I got wind of a young father I went to high school with who lost his son. He was a year old. The night that I heard that, I sat in your room and watched you sleep. I prayed to God that he would give that young family peace and comfort, and then I asked that he never take you from me. To be honest, I needed a couple of weeks to process that all. I can't think about their situation without crying because of course, I think of you. So I just needed some time.
So what do you want to talk about today? I was thinking about telling you how we chose your name. Would you like to hear that? Ok, so here goes...
Remember that I told you at first I thought you were a girl. We only had girl names picked out and we had narrowed it down to a couple front runners. I wouldn't even consider boy names because I just KNEW you were a chick. As we can now see, I was wrong.
That October afternoon when we went to see if you really were a girl, your daddy and I sat nervously at a the special sonography place. Beyond just wanting to see what you were, we wanted to make sure you were ok, and we knew that if something was wrong, we'd be able to see it... on a GIANT, 3D movie screen.
So there we were, nervous, pukey (at least I was), and excited. They finally called our name and back we went. As the lady is moving the wand over my belly, she stops. Your daddy was holding on to my arm... and then she said the magic words: "I see a penis!"
Your daddy squeezed my arm and I cried because not only were you healthy, but you were gonna be a BOY! Just to be fair, I would have cried if you had been a girl, too. I was very weepy when I was pregnant. Actually, I'm pretty weepy all the time... you'll realize this as you get older.
As we left, we called our families and told them the good news... then we looked at each other and said, "Well, I guess we can throw all the girl names out the window!"
We started looking at biblical names. We knew we wanted you to be a man of God, and what better way to start you off than by naming you after one of His servants? We knew that names like Matthew and John were out--too common. I liked Luke, but one of our friends had recently named her baby that same name, and we didn't want to seem like we were copy cats. We tossed around Noah. Noah Boehman. Sounds good, right? But again... too many Noahs.
Then I said Eli. Eli. Eli. Eli. We liked. We loved it! So I started doing some research on Eli in the bible... turns out he was kind of a bad father. A bit spineless, in fact. I was devestated.
I ended up telling this story to a woman your daddy and I work with, and she ended up talking me back into naming you Eli. She explained that while Eli from the bible had his flaws, he was a man of God. And besides that, some of the greatest men in the bible weren't exactly wonderful men, but God used them to relay his message. David, for example, was kind of a...errr... well... he just wasn't that great. But we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, and Eli from the bible was no different.
After that, Eli was your name. We called you that from that moment on... and prayed to God that you looked like an Eli, because if you didn't, we didn't have a backup. Thankfully, though, when you were born, you looked like you could support that name, and thus, it was.
So Eli, I'm charging you to live up to the name you were given. While I expect you to stumble at some points in your life, never forget that you were named after one of God's men, and He will always guide you. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
And I've been meaning to post this for a few days...
Here's you and Roxie... you love her :) This is you petting her and squealing with delight!
One last thing
Just because I think these pictures of us are sweet:
This is you and me this past Sunday after we got home from church (your daddy was sick). We had family snuggle time in our bed. You, your daddy, the dog, the cat, and me... all together, hanging out. You (obviously) were hungry! Plus, you thought my nose was super interesting. You kept grabbing it, and several times I had to remove your finger or thumb from my nostril. Silly boy!
This is you and me this past Sunday after we got home from church (your daddy was sick). We had family snuggle time in our bed. You, your daddy, the dog, the cat, and me... all together, hanging out. You (obviously) were hungry! Plus, you thought my nose was super interesting. You kept grabbing it, and several times I had to remove your finger or thumb from my nostril. Silly boy!
I tried, I failed, I'll try again
Dear Eli,
I wrote a letter yesterday, but then the website went down and all was lost. Technology. Can't live with it, can't live without it. So now I will try (to best of my ability) to rewrite what was lost AND add to it as well. Here we go...
Monday was your 4 month birthday. YAY! You're already a 1/3 of a year old... you're growing up too fast, son. Slow down! To celebrate, I took you to the doctor for your shots. You didn't like that very much, and neither did I for that matter, but only one of us cried. Would you like to guess which one of us it was? It was you. Look at me, being so strong! Afterwards, I brought you home and you cuddled daddy for almost the rest of the night. I had to ask to hold you... I think he liked the fact that you were all snuggled up with him in the recliner, asleep on his chest :)
While we were at the doctor, though, I was also told that you have baby acid reflux
:( You haven't been gaining weight like you should because you spit up every time we give you a bottle. She gave us a perscription and some new formula, and as of this morning, you were doing a lot better. WAY less barf than before. I called the doctor and asked if we could keep you off the meds for now, and she said we could, so I guess we'll see how this goes. (By the way, she said if you kept spitting up, she'd recommend giving you a little cereal because that tends to stay down better than liquid... HA! I already DO THAT!)
Yesterday I decided that it was high time you have some baby food. Take that, Doctor! Your daddy and I went to the store and on your Aunt Jessica's advice, I bought the supplies necessary to make you your own baby food. That's right. Your mommy is an infant chef. I got you frozen peas and carrots, cooked them per the directions, and blended them up until they were mush. Now Eli, you should know that I HATE green peas, and cooked carrots make me ill, but I stunk up my entire kitchen just for you. THAT is how much I love you!
So it came time to eat. I wasn't sure how you'd take it because honestly, all mushed up it looked like something that might come out of your diaper. But... you loved it! Here is a picture of you eating your first real food meal:
Notice that we took you out of your clothes. I didn't want to try to get those stains out. After you were finished, there were peas and carrots literally everywhere. Somehow it was even on the back of your shoulder blade. You daddy was covered, you were covered... it was gross. I took you right upstairs and gave you a bath, paying special attention to your neck and underneath your chin, because that area was just gross.
So that's all for now. I'm at work and the bell just rang, so I'm off to teach. I miss you, baby boy, and I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
I wrote a letter yesterday, but then the website went down and all was lost. Technology. Can't live with it, can't live without it. So now I will try (to best of my ability) to rewrite what was lost AND add to it as well. Here we go...
Monday was your 4 month birthday. YAY! You're already a 1/3 of a year old... you're growing up too fast, son. Slow down! To celebrate, I took you to the doctor for your shots. You didn't like that very much, and neither did I for that matter, but only one of us cried. Would you like to guess which one of us it was? It was you. Look at me, being so strong! Afterwards, I brought you home and you cuddled daddy for almost the rest of the night. I had to ask to hold you... I think he liked the fact that you were all snuggled up with him in the recliner, asleep on his chest :)
While we were at the doctor, though, I was also told that you have baby acid reflux
:( You haven't been gaining weight like you should because you spit up every time we give you a bottle. She gave us a perscription and some new formula, and as of this morning, you were doing a lot better. WAY less barf than before. I called the doctor and asked if we could keep you off the meds for now, and she said we could, so I guess we'll see how this goes. (By the way, she said if you kept spitting up, she'd recommend giving you a little cereal because that tends to stay down better than liquid... HA! I already DO THAT!)
Yesterday I decided that it was high time you have some baby food. Take that, Doctor! Your daddy and I went to the store and on your Aunt Jessica's advice, I bought the supplies necessary to make you your own baby food. That's right. Your mommy is an infant chef. I got you frozen peas and carrots, cooked them per the directions, and blended them up until they were mush. Now Eli, you should know that I HATE green peas, and cooked carrots make me ill, but I stunk up my entire kitchen just for you. THAT is how much I love you!
So it came time to eat. I wasn't sure how you'd take it because honestly, all mushed up it looked like something that might come out of your diaper. But... you loved it! Here is a picture of you eating your first real food meal:
Notice that we took you out of your clothes. I didn't want to try to get those stains out. After you were finished, there were peas and carrots literally everywhere. Somehow it was even on the back of your shoulder blade. You daddy was covered, you were covered... it was gross. I took you right upstairs and gave you a bath, paying special attention to your neck and underneath your chin, because that area was just gross.
So that's all for now. I'm at work and the bell just rang, so I'm off to teach. I miss you, baby boy, and I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I Take it Back!
Dear Eli,
You DID do something awesome today! You rolled over FOR REAL!
Now, you've been rolling over for awhile, but you've always stopped because your arm would get caught under your body. But tonight... TONIGHT! You rolled from your back to your belly AND were able to get your arm out!
You're so advanced.
Being that good, however, must have worn you out because this is you at this exact moment:
I love you to the moon and back, Eli James...Sweet dreams, sleepy boy.
You DID do something awesome today! You rolled over FOR REAL!
Now, you've been rolling over for awhile, but you've always stopped because your arm would get caught under your body. But tonight... TONIGHT! You rolled from your back to your belly AND were able to get your arm out!
You're so advanced.
Being that good, however, must have worn you out because this is you at this exact moment:
I love you to the moon and back, Eli James...Sweet dreams, sleepy boy.
Eli=Num Num Disposal
Dear Eli,
Tomorrow is the first day of school, which is probably a good thing because Daddy and I need to make some money so we can afford to feed you! You must be hitting a growth spurt because the babysitter told me you ate like a linebacker today. Then, when we got you home, you ate again, and I'm pretty sure there isn't any food left in the house.
By the way, we think you're teething. You keeping chewing on your hands, and last night I thought I felt the ridge of a tooth trying to cut through the gum. Here is a picture of you from yesterday, hanging out with daddy and me:
Other than that, I'm trying to think of anything exciting that I have to report... Uhhhhhh... you pooped all over your clothes at the babysitter's house. Is that exciting? No? Ok. I'll try harder tomorrow.
I love you to moon and back, Eli James!
Tomorrow is the first day of school, which is probably a good thing because Daddy and I need to make some money so we can afford to feed you! You must be hitting a growth spurt because the babysitter told me you ate like a linebacker today. Then, when we got you home, you ate again, and I'm pretty sure there isn't any food left in the house.
By the way, we think you're teething. You keeping chewing on your hands, and last night I thought I felt the ridge of a tooth trying to cut through the gum. Here is a picture of you from yesterday, hanging out with daddy and me:
Other than that, I'm trying to think of anything exciting that I have to report... Uhhhhhh... you pooped all over your clothes at the babysitter's house. Is that exciting? No? Ok. I'll try harder tomorrow.
I love you to moon and back, Eli James!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Tonight you were so happy! You were giggling and squealing... so cute! Daddy took a video. Check your cute self out!
Dear Eli,
Today I went back to work. Like... for real went back to work. Last night, as the sun went down on the last few moments of our first summer together, I took this picture:
You laughed as we waited for daddy to finish running. You rolled over again and again and again, but as I soon as I got the video camera out, you stopped. Little stinker! I wanted to soak up as much as I could of you because I knew that today, I would leave you.
Sure, I've taken you to the babysitter before, but it was never "for real." I went back for a few days at the end of the school year, but then I knew there was summer to look forward to. I dropped you off occasionally for this reason or that, but I knew I wouldn't be gone long.
Today was different.
Today I knew our "all-day-every-day" time together was over.
Today I fought back tears that surely were to come.
Today I was sad.
Your daddy and I talked last night. We were musing about this school year to come, and how, in the past, we had always wished the school year to go quickly because we wanted to get back to the summertime. However, we both agreed that this year was different. How could we wish this school year away when we know that next summer you'll be so different? You'll be a little boy... no longer a baby. What will you be like, Eli? You'll probably be walking; maybe even running. Maybe you'll have started talking by next summer. What words will you know? Will you say Mama? PLEASE SAY MAMA! The bottom line is that while I want so badly to get back to our "all-day-every-day" time together, I know that only comes with you getting older.
And I don't want you to grow up.
Ok... of course I want you to grow up... I certainly don't want the alternative... but it's hard. You've already outgrown your "little bitty babyness" and while I love to see how you've changed, it makes me sad to know that there are aspects of your tiny self that you've left behind.
You know what I realized I miss? Feeding you in the middle of the night. Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep. I love that you're allowing me to sleep... but there was something special about spending those few quiet moments with you. The rest of the world was asleep, and it was just you and me.
One day when you're older, you'll catch me staring at you. You'll describe my look as "weird," but really, it's just wistful. Just know that there has never been a day that you have not been loved, and while I can't wait to see what you become, I already dread the day that you will leave.
I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Today I went back to work. Like... for real went back to work. Last night, as the sun went down on the last few moments of our first summer together, I took this picture:
You laughed as we waited for daddy to finish running. You rolled over again and again and again, but as I soon as I got the video camera out, you stopped. Little stinker! I wanted to soak up as much as I could of you because I knew that today, I would leave you.
Sure, I've taken you to the babysitter before, but it was never "for real." I went back for a few days at the end of the school year, but then I knew there was summer to look forward to. I dropped you off occasionally for this reason or that, but I knew I wouldn't be gone long.
Today was different.
Today I knew our "all-day-every-day" time together was over.
Today I fought back tears that surely were to come.
Today I was sad.
Your daddy and I talked last night. We were musing about this school year to come, and how, in the past, we had always wished the school year to go quickly because we wanted to get back to the summertime. However, we both agreed that this year was different. How could we wish this school year away when we know that next summer you'll be so different? You'll be a little boy... no longer a baby. What will you be like, Eli? You'll probably be walking; maybe even running. Maybe you'll have started talking by next summer. What words will you know? Will you say Mama? PLEASE SAY MAMA! The bottom line is that while I want so badly to get back to our "all-day-every-day" time together, I know that only comes with you getting older.
And I don't want you to grow up.
Ok... of course I want you to grow up... I certainly don't want the alternative... but it's hard. You've already outgrown your "little bitty babyness" and while I love to see how you've changed, it makes me sad to know that there are aspects of your tiny self that you've left behind.
You know what I realized I miss? Feeding you in the middle of the night. Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep. I love that you're allowing me to sleep... but there was something special about spending those few quiet moments with you. The rest of the world was asleep, and it was just you and me.
One day when you're older, you'll catch me staring at you. You'll describe my look as "weird," but really, it's just wistful. Just know that there has never been a day that you have not been loved, and while I can't wait to see what you become, I already dread the day that you will leave.
I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A Season of Firsts
Dear Eli,
We just got back from running errands, and both you and your daddy got new toys! His, however, cost a little more than yours. While he's off picking his up (a new TV), you are playing in your brand new (to you) exersaucer! Thank you Uncle Andy, Aunt Jessica, and Cousin Jack for what is sure to be hours of fun. Here is a picture of you taken a few minutes ago during your first time playing:
So this brings me to the thought of firsts. We've already discussed your first night in the hospital (I didn't sleep), and your first night at home (you didn't sleep... and subsequently, I didn't either), so now, I want to talk about some other 'firsts.' When you were ten days old, your cousin Sydney came over to see you, along with the rest of Uncle Andy's family--Aunt Jessica, and your cousins Madison, Riley, and Jack. Sydney, however, is a budding photographer and she took some of the first pictures of you. Turns out, she's super talented and captured some of the most beautiful images I could have imagined. You were very well behaved and only cried for a few minutes at the beginning. Here are some of the awesome pictures she took:
As you can plainly see, you've been beautiful since day one. You're lucky... ask your Poppa one day about the first time he saw me. I was two week overdue, bigger than a bowling ball, and had a cone head. I believe he told me his first thought was, "Ew... put her back in..." But no worries, I'm not permanently scarred.
A few days after these were taken, your umbilical cord finally fell off, which meant you could have your first bath! Of course we had to document the occasion, and I believe the look on your face in this picture says it all:
Your face was NOT happy. At all. Your tiny little chicken legs were shaking, you were cold, crying, and didn't like the water. Good news, though--you now LOVE your bath, or "baffies" as we now call them. Stupid baby talk... both your daddy and I have fallen victim to it.
PS-ask your Grandma about the time she told you to "kick and splash." You followed directions like a champ! I'd post the video of you showing off that trick, but you'd kill me when you're older. You might be n-a-k-e-d in that one ;)
Another first worth discussing is the first time you ate real food. Now, your pediatrician told me not to give you anything other than your bottle until you were six months old because we "didn't want to encourage overeating." BUT I DIDN'T LISTEN! A couple of weeks ago I was eating some yogurt while holding you. You watched every bite that went into my mouth. Son, you were begging worse than the dog does. So I gave you a tiny bite and you LOVED it. Since then, you've had not only yogurt, but rice cereal AND mashed potatoes, all of which were big hits. Here is a picture of your the first time we ever fed you a non-bottle meal:
A few more firsts include...
Your first time in your swing:
You still spend a lot of time in this swing... thank you AHS cheerleaders for getting it for you!
Your first slumber party:
There were terrible storms coming into our part of the state, and because we don't have a basement, we went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house. We slept on in the living room with you, and at 4:00 a.m., you woke up crying. Your Grandmommy came and got you. She said your daddy and I could go back to sleep, that she and Poppa would feed your and get you back to bed. At 7:30 a.m., she brought you back downstairs. You hadn't been back to sleep. At all. They were exhausted... your daddy and I just laughed. We knew what was coming for them when they volunteered!
Your first time in your bumbo seat:
Is it just me, or do you look at little nervous here?! PS-Your Poppa bought you that bib. He says you're the little monkey and he's the big one :)
Your first time at the beach:
You hated the ocean. HATED it. We bought you a life jacket because I was terrified I'd get knocked over by a wave and lose my grip. So on our second day, I stuffed you into it and walked you out to the water. You feet had just barely touched it when you started to scream. We also learned quickly not to use spray sunscreen on you... apparently you didn't like when it got in your eyes.
Your first visit to Indiana:
At the beginning of July, we packed up and headed North. Your Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to see you! For some reason, though, you were NOT happy. You smiled for a few minutes after we got there, and then you had a melt down. Like...a Chernobyl-esque fit. I could see the look of disappointment on your Grandma's face and it made me sad. However, you quickly recovered--I suppose you were just tired... or hungry... or both--and soon you were just as charming as ever. They babysat you one day while we were there and your daddy and I had a date day. It was so much fun for everyone. Your Grandma and Grandpa got to spend a whole day with you, uninterrupted, and your daddy and I got to have some alone time. Aren't grandparents great?!
Your first time sitting in the recliner:
Your daddy was so excited when I told him I wanted to get a recliner to rock you in downstairs... he only thought it was for him. The look on your face CLEARLY shows who it was really for, though!
And your first time in your high chair:
Now, you haven't eaten in your high chair yet, but you DID sit in it. When you actually use it, I'll be sure to document that as well.
I'm not going to lie, I wish I had gotten your first smile and first laugh on film. I'm disappointed that didn't happen, but you just can't predict things like that. That's also the reason I don't have record of the first time you rolled over, but believe me, you've done it. Only twice, but still. Your newest trick is that you like to try to stand up (did I mention that already? I can't remember. I'm getting old), and soon, you'll be walking. You're growing up so fast and there isn't enough time to take it all in. I'm trying my hardest, but you change every day. That's why I started these letters--I'm attempting to record the steps you take, both literally and metaphorically, for both of us. You may or may not care about this when you are older, but regardless, I'll have these memories recorded for your daddy and me. I'm watching you sleep right now in your swing. You're sucking your thumb and starting to wake up. Soon, you'll cry and want to be picked up. You'll need me to feed you, hold you, and kiss you. And when you're older, I'll remember this moment, even though you might not need me quite so much any more. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
We just got back from running errands, and both you and your daddy got new toys! His, however, cost a little more than yours. While he's off picking his up (a new TV), you are playing in your brand new (to you) exersaucer! Thank you Uncle Andy, Aunt Jessica, and Cousin Jack for what is sure to be hours of fun. Here is a picture of you taken a few minutes ago during your first time playing:
So this brings me to the thought of firsts. We've already discussed your first night in the hospital (I didn't sleep), and your first night at home (you didn't sleep... and subsequently, I didn't either), so now, I want to talk about some other 'firsts.' When you were ten days old, your cousin Sydney came over to see you, along with the rest of Uncle Andy's family--Aunt Jessica, and your cousins Madison, Riley, and Jack. Sydney, however, is a budding photographer and she took some of the first pictures of you. Turns out, she's super talented and captured some of the most beautiful images I could have imagined. You were very well behaved and only cried for a few minutes at the beginning. Here are some of the awesome pictures she took:
As you can plainly see, you've been beautiful since day one. You're lucky... ask your Poppa one day about the first time he saw me. I was two week overdue, bigger than a bowling ball, and had a cone head. I believe he told me his first thought was, "Ew... put her back in..." But no worries, I'm not permanently scarred.
A few days after these were taken, your umbilical cord finally fell off, which meant you could have your first bath! Of course we had to document the occasion, and I believe the look on your face in this picture says it all:
Your face was NOT happy. At all. Your tiny little chicken legs were shaking, you were cold, crying, and didn't like the water. Good news, though--you now LOVE your bath, or "baffies" as we now call them. Stupid baby talk... both your daddy and I have fallen victim to it.
PS-ask your Grandma about the time she told you to "kick and splash." You followed directions like a champ! I'd post the video of you showing off that trick, but you'd kill me when you're older. You might be n-a-k-e-d in that one ;)
Another first worth discussing is the first time you ate real food. Now, your pediatrician told me not to give you anything other than your bottle until you were six months old because we "didn't want to encourage overeating." BUT I DIDN'T LISTEN! A couple of weeks ago I was eating some yogurt while holding you. You watched every bite that went into my mouth. Son, you were begging worse than the dog does. So I gave you a tiny bite and you LOVED it. Since then, you've had not only yogurt, but rice cereal AND mashed potatoes, all of which were big hits. Here is a picture of your the first time we ever fed you a non-bottle meal:
A few more firsts include...
Your first time in your swing:
You still spend a lot of time in this swing... thank you AHS cheerleaders for getting it for you!
Your first slumber party:
There were terrible storms coming into our part of the state, and because we don't have a basement, we went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house. We slept on in the living room with you, and at 4:00 a.m., you woke up crying. Your Grandmommy came and got you. She said your daddy and I could go back to sleep, that she and Poppa would feed your and get you back to bed. At 7:30 a.m., she brought you back downstairs. You hadn't been back to sleep. At all. They were exhausted... your daddy and I just laughed. We knew what was coming for them when they volunteered!
Your first time in your bumbo seat:
Is it just me, or do you look at little nervous here?! PS-Your Poppa bought you that bib. He says you're the little monkey and he's the big one :)
Your first time at the beach:
You hated the ocean. HATED it. We bought you a life jacket because I was terrified I'd get knocked over by a wave and lose my grip. So on our second day, I stuffed you into it and walked you out to the water. You feet had just barely touched it when you started to scream. We also learned quickly not to use spray sunscreen on you... apparently you didn't like when it got in your eyes.
Your first visit to Indiana:
At the beginning of July, we packed up and headed North. Your Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to see you! For some reason, though, you were NOT happy. You smiled for a few minutes after we got there, and then you had a melt down. Like...a Chernobyl-esque fit. I could see the look of disappointment on your Grandma's face and it made me sad. However, you quickly recovered--I suppose you were just tired... or hungry... or both--and soon you were just as charming as ever. They babysat you one day while we were there and your daddy and I had a date day. It was so much fun for everyone. Your Grandma and Grandpa got to spend a whole day with you, uninterrupted, and your daddy and I got to have some alone time. Aren't grandparents great?!
Your first time sitting in the recliner:
Your daddy was so excited when I told him I wanted to get a recliner to rock you in downstairs... he only thought it was for him. The look on your face CLEARLY shows who it was really for, though!
And your first time in your high chair:
Now, you haven't eaten in your high chair yet, but you DID sit in it. When you actually use it, I'll be sure to document that as well.
I'm not going to lie, I wish I had gotten your first smile and first laugh on film. I'm disappointed that didn't happen, but you just can't predict things like that. That's also the reason I don't have record of the first time you rolled over, but believe me, you've done it. Only twice, but still. Your newest trick is that you like to try to stand up (did I mention that already? I can't remember. I'm getting old), and soon, you'll be walking. You're growing up so fast and there isn't enough time to take it all in. I'm trying my hardest, but you change every day. That's why I started these letters--I'm attempting to record the steps you take, both literally and metaphorically, for both of us. You may or may not care about this when you are older, but regardless, I'll have these memories recorded for your daddy and me. I'm watching you sleep right now in your swing. You're sucking your thumb and starting to wake up. Soon, you'll cry and want to be picked up. You'll need me to feed you, hold you, and kiss you. And when you're older, I'll remember this moment, even though you might not need me quite so much any more. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Let the Sleepless Nights Begin
Dear Eli,
Let me begin by saying that the last few nights, you've slept all the way through! You're such a big boy now (almost 4 months old)! You were kind of a cranky butt last night, but I forgave you when I woke up at 8:00 this morning and you still hadn't made a sound. Your daddy and I got up and almost ran into your room, afraid that something was wrong, but you were just laying there, looking up. When you saw us, you smiled so big that my heart melted right there in my chest.
Dear God, thank you so much for this child!
I left off with bringing you home. I mentioned that your father picked out your hat. I guess you could say that the brainwashing began at a young age... like... birth. Your Grandma and Grandpa were still in town and were there for your first few days. The first night at home I was scared that you would wake them up all night long when you cried, but they slept through it all, thank goodness. Your daddy and I weren't so fortunate.
You liked to eat. A lot. I'd estimate that you got up four to five times every night for the first few weeks. Your daddy and I were like the walking dead. I was crabby, he was crabby, you were hungry. I was lucky enough to have your daddy home with me for three weeks after you were born. The Monday he went back to work was hard. Super, super hard! The following day, Tuesday, I had a small nervous breakdown. Your Grandmommy and Poppa came over and watched you so I could sleep. I remember talking to your Grandmommy on the phone and just sobbing. She told me they would be there ASAP, and not long after we hung up, they were there. I went to bed... and slept... and slept... and slept. It was GLORIOUS. Your Grandmommy would later tell me she had just finished reading a story in the newspaper about a man who had climbed Mt. Everest, but when he was younger, he was charged with manslaughter after shaking his baby out of frustration. I guess she could detect a hint of hysteria in my voice?
Of course I would NEVER shake you. EVER. But something had to give, so I went out and bought a book on Wednesday called On Becoming Baby Wise. I read it cover to cover in one day, and on Wednesday night, we implemented the schedule the book suggests. You only woke up twice that night... I'm pretty sure that book saved my sanity.
So you continued to grow and get stronger, and your personality began to develop. When you smiled at me for the first time... the first REAL time, not just a gassy smile... I wanted to cry. The first time you laughed, well... that was just... wow! But with all that growing came the time for your two month doctor's appointment. And with that appointment came shots.
I'm not sure who took those shots harder... you or me. The nurse had you on the table, stripped down to your diaper. You were looking up at me like, "What's going on, mommy?"
And then she stuck you.
The look on your face broke me. Your eyes locked with mine and the look was one of "Why did you let them hurt me?!"
I cried. You cried. We all cried. Ok, so the nurse didn't cry, but she didn't judge, either... I guess she had seen that kind of display before.
When we came home, you wanted snuggles, and by golly, you got them. This was how we spent the day:
After that, I told your daddy he'd have to take you for the next round.
I've got to go take a shower now, but in my next letter we'll discuss some of your firsts... like your first bath (Yes, there will be pictures!No, they aren't anything that will embarrass you when your first girlfriend comes over to meet us), your first photo shoot, and your first bite of real food. Plus anything else I think of.
I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Let me begin by saying that the last few nights, you've slept all the way through! You're such a big boy now (almost 4 months old)! You were kind of a cranky butt last night, but I forgave you when I woke up at 8:00 this morning and you still hadn't made a sound. Your daddy and I got up and almost ran into your room, afraid that something was wrong, but you were just laying there, looking up. When you saw us, you smiled so big that my heart melted right there in my chest.
Dear God, thank you so much for this child!
I left off with bringing you home. I mentioned that your father picked out your hat. I guess you could say that the brainwashing began at a young age... like... birth. Your Grandma and Grandpa were still in town and were there for your first few days. The first night at home I was scared that you would wake them up all night long when you cried, but they slept through it all, thank goodness. Your daddy and I weren't so fortunate.
You liked to eat. A lot. I'd estimate that you got up four to five times every night for the first few weeks. Your daddy and I were like the walking dead. I was crabby, he was crabby, you were hungry. I was lucky enough to have your daddy home with me for three weeks after you were born. The Monday he went back to work was hard. Super, super hard! The following day, Tuesday, I had a small nervous breakdown. Your Grandmommy and Poppa came over and watched you so I could sleep. I remember talking to your Grandmommy on the phone and just sobbing. She told me they would be there ASAP, and not long after we hung up, they were there. I went to bed... and slept... and slept... and slept. It was GLORIOUS. Your Grandmommy would later tell me she had just finished reading a story in the newspaper about a man who had climbed Mt. Everest, but when he was younger, he was charged with manslaughter after shaking his baby out of frustration. I guess she could detect a hint of hysteria in my voice?
Of course I would NEVER shake you. EVER. But something had to give, so I went out and bought a book on Wednesday called On Becoming Baby Wise. I read it cover to cover in one day, and on Wednesday night, we implemented the schedule the book suggests. You only woke up twice that night... I'm pretty sure that book saved my sanity.
So you continued to grow and get stronger, and your personality began to develop. When you smiled at me for the first time... the first REAL time, not just a gassy smile... I wanted to cry. The first time you laughed, well... that was just... wow! But with all that growing came the time for your two month doctor's appointment. And with that appointment came shots.
I'm not sure who took those shots harder... you or me. The nurse had you on the table, stripped down to your diaper. You were looking up at me like, "What's going on, mommy?"
And then she stuck you.
The look on your face broke me. Your eyes locked with mine and the look was one of "Why did you let them hurt me?!"
I cried. You cried. We all cried. Ok, so the nurse didn't cry, but she didn't judge, either... I guess she had seen that kind of display before.
When we came home, you wanted snuggles, and by golly, you got them. This was how we spent the day:
After that, I told your daddy he'd have to take you for the next round.
I've got to go take a shower now, but in my next letter we'll discuss some of your firsts... like your first bath (Yes, there will be pictures!No, they aren't anything that will embarrass you when your first girlfriend comes over to meet us), your first photo shoot, and your first bite of real food. Plus anything else I think of.
I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
In the beginning...
July 30, 2011
Dear Eli,
I’ve wanted to begin writing to you for some time now. Really, since before you were born, but as you will undoubtedly find out, I can procrastinate. Since it’s easier to type, and because of said procrastination, this will have to suffice as my love letters to you. I’m not much of a baby book kind of mommy, so here goes... I hope you will enjoy reading it one day as much as I will enjoy writing it.
You daddy and I met at work. To say that we didn’t like each other much at the beginning might be an understatement. I thought of him as kind of a jerk, not very friendly, and always stealing my parking spot. However, as time went on, we found that we actually had a lot in common and eventually realized we loved one another. We had what you might call a whirlwind courtship. We starting seeing each other in August of 2008, were engaged in April 2009, and married 11 weeks later on June 27th. I’m pretty sure your dad would have started trying to have kids as soon as we got married, but I wanted to wait at least a year, so it was on our first anniversary trip to the beach that we decided we were ready. Not too long after that, we discovered you would be joining our family.
It wasn’t exactly great to be pregnant. You made me very, very sick for about 5 months, then again for last two. I used to joke that I would spank you as soon as you were born for making me feel so terrible. However, when I was about 16 weeks pregnant, a friend of ours lost her child who was born about 16 weeks premature. After that, I quit complaining. I asked God to bring you here safely, and he did, but not without a few hiccups along the way.
In January, I started having contractions while sitting in church. I called my doctor who sent me to the hospital. It was quite a sight, the whole family trooping out of church together, and the preacher asked if it was because we didn’t like his message :) Of course that wasn’t the case, and the bottom line was that we needed to make sure you were safe. The doctors were able to stop the contractions, but at the point I was sufficiently convinced that you would come early... I was wrong.
You due date was originally April 5th, but because you were measuring small, the Doctor pushed it back to April 12th. Our best guess was that you were somewhere in between. I just KNEW that you would be a March baby. You daddy and I went out looking at March birthstones to commemorate your birth... glad we didn’t buy anything! April 1st came and went. By that point, I was beyond frustrated that I hadn’t met you and I just wanted to hold you. That, and you made it dang near impossible for me to breath, you were so high. I remember we went to the doctor on April 6th the doctor told me that you must be super comfortable in there because you didn’t seem in too big of a hurry to arrive. We tried to schedule a c-section, but nothing was available. I would have to wait. We left there and went and met your Grandmommy and Poppa for breakfast, and I remember having a breakdown in the middle of The Waffle House. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, so I came home and went to bed.
I slept right through the doctor's office calling me. When I woke up, it was too late to call them back, no one was there.
I woke up EARLY the next morning and counted down the minutes to 8:00 a.m. so I could call them back. At 8:05, I found out that you would be born the following day...the 5:00 c-section had been canceled, the OR was free.
What a busy day that Thursday was! We had to go back to the doctor’s office, we had to go to the hospital and do paperwork, we had to wash clothes and get ready for the next day. We woke up SUPER early on Friday, April 8th because I couldn’t eat anything past 7:00 a.m. We drove to Douglasville to The Cracker Barrel. I ate as much as I could, but because you were so squished up into my stomach, I didn’t have much room. By 11:00 a.m. I was starving.
Confession: I ate a waffle at 11:15.
Another Confession: I lied to the nurse about it.

Moments before we left for the hospital
Dear Eli,
I’ve wanted to begin writing to you for some time now. Really, since before you were born, but as you will undoubtedly find out, I can procrastinate. Since it’s easier to type, and because of said procrastination, this will have to suffice as my love letters to you. I’m not much of a baby book kind of mommy, so here goes... I hope you will enjoy reading it one day as much as I will enjoy writing it.
You daddy and I met at work. To say that we didn’t like each other much at the beginning might be an understatement. I thought of him as kind of a jerk, not very friendly, and always stealing my parking spot. However, as time went on, we found that we actually had a lot in common and eventually realized we loved one another. We had what you might call a whirlwind courtship. We starting seeing each other in August of 2008, were engaged in April 2009, and married 11 weeks later on June 27th. I’m pretty sure your dad would have started trying to have kids as soon as we got married, but I wanted to wait at least a year, so it was on our first anniversary trip to the beach that we decided we were ready. Not too long after that, we discovered you would be joining our family.
It wasn’t exactly great to be pregnant. You made me very, very sick for about 5 months, then again for last two. I used to joke that I would spank you as soon as you were born for making me feel so terrible. However, when I was about 16 weeks pregnant, a friend of ours lost her child who was born about 16 weeks premature. After that, I quit complaining. I asked God to bring you here safely, and he did, but not without a few hiccups along the way.
In January, I started having contractions while sitting in church. I called my doctor who sent me to the hospital. It was quite a sight, the whole family trooping out of church together, and the preacher asked if it was because we didn’t like his message :) Of course that wasn’t the case, and the bottom line was that we needed to make sure you were safe. The doctors were able to stop the contractions, but at the point I was sufficiently convinced that you would come early... I was wrong.
You due date was originally April 5th, but because you were measuring small, the Doctor pushed it back to April 12th. Our best guess was that you were somewhere in between. I just KNEW that you would be a March baby. You daddy and I went out looking at March birthstones to commemorate your birth... glad we didn’t buy anything! April 1st came and went. By that point, I was beyond frustrated that I hadn’t met you and I just wanted to hold you. That, and you made it dang near impossible for me to breath, you were so high. I remember we went to the doctor on April 6th the doctor told me that you must be super comfortable in there because you didn’t seem in too big of a hurry to arrive. We tried to schedule a c-section, but nothing was available. I would have to wait. We left there and went and met your Grandmommy and Poppa for breakfast, and I remember having a breakdown in the middle of The Waffle House. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, so I came home and went to bed.
I slept right through the doctor's office calling me. When I woke up, it was too late to call them back, no one was there.
I woke up EARLY the next morning and counted down the minutes to 8:00 a.m. so I could call them back. At 8:05, I found out that you would be born the following day...the 5:00 c-section had been canceled, the OR was free.
What a busy day that Thursday was! We had to go back to the doctor’s office, we had to go to the hospital and do paperwork, we had to wash clothes and get ready for the next day. We woke up SUPER early on Friday, April 8th because I couldn’t eat anything past 7:00 a.m. We drove to Douglasville to The Cracker Barrel. I ate as much as I could, but because you were so squished up into my stomach, I didn’t have much room. By 11:00 a.m. I was starving.
Confession: I ate a waffle at 11:15.
Another Confession: I lied to the nurse about it.
Moments before we left for the hospital
It was a good thing I did, too, because the second half of the day went by pretty quickly and I wouldn’t eat again until after midnight. More on that later.
Your dad and I went to the hospital at 3:30. We met your Grandmommy and Poppa there. I remember being so scared. I was scared something would happen to you during delivery. I was scared something would happen to me. I was scared of not being able to take care of you. I was scared it would hurt. I was scared of the unknown. I cried in the waiting room (much like I’m crying now remembering it). We all held hands, and your Poppa prayed for you, and for your daddy and me. Then it was time.
We went back to the OR prep room where we changed clothes and they got me ready for your arrival. Your daddy took a picture of me and I took one of him.
Getting my “game face” on. Ready to meet his son!
Then we waited. And waited. And waited. I remember being so hot. Like… boiling. The nurses put these plastic things on my legs along with huge socks. I was dreaming about water. There was a sink in the prep room, and I was staring at it. S-T-A-R-I-N-G at it. Dreaming about a single sip. So because I was dying of thirst, of course the doctor was late (when are they ever on time?).
I was supposed to be taken back at 4:30, but that didn’t happen. At 5:00, my doctor finally got there. They wheeled me back to the OR. I was holding your daddy’s hand, thanking God he was there with me. I was literally clinging to him. Then they told him to let go, he’d have to wait outside for a bit. LET GO?! WAIT OUTSIDE?! HUH??!?
So there I am, terrified, the one person I want is pacing the halls outside the OR, and the anesthesiologist comes at me with a HUGE needle. Oh boy.
(By the way, you are currently laying on your play mat… you’re kind of fussy, which isn’t exactly conducive to my writing, but you’re looking up at me and switching between whining and smiling… and you’re beautiful.)
So now it’s time. It’s really, really time. No turning back! I’m all numb, can’t feel a thing… and so it begins.
As it turns out, it’s a good thing you never dropped. You were wrapped head to toe in your umbilical cord. It was around your leg, around your arm, and around your neck. If you had dropped, and come into the world in the usual way, it could have killed you. I thank God every day that He saved you from that.
Your daddy watched you being born. He couldn’t see anything gross, he just saw you from the first second you entered this world. I, however, was holding my breath, waiting for you to cry. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. As soon as I heard your sweet voice, I broke down. I was so happy and thankful that you were safe. Praise God! This is the first picture of you, after you were born:
Your daddy was taking pictures of you while the doctors were fixing me back up. Suddenly, he turned to me and smiled. I smiled back… he checked on me to make sure I was ok, then I said, “I’m fine! Keep taking pictures!” As soon as you were ready, they handed you to me. This is the first picture of you with your mommy:
You were born at on April 8, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. You weighed 7 lbs 5ozs, and were 20 inches long. You had 10 fingers and 10 toes, a good amount of hair, and your father’s nose. However, it was clear from the beginning that you would eventually have your mother’s eyes. Your Grandma and Grandpa had driven down the morning of your birth, having told their bosses the day before that they wouldn’t be back for a few days. Your Grandmommy and Poppa had been there since they wheeled me back. Your Aunt Kate, Uncle Cameron, and Aunt Kelly were there in time to meet you that night. Originally we had heard that no one was allowed to visit after 8:00, but your Aunt Kelly said she was getting into that room, and no matter what, she was GOING to see you! Gotta love that red-headed spunk :)
The first night in the hospital, I didn’t sleep. Literally. Didn’t sleep. I was terrified something would happen to you…that you would stop breathing or something. You were in your basinet next to my bed, but I kept leaning up and checking on you. Eventually I put your on my chest and tried to rest, but I couldn’t. I stayed awake and watched you sleep.
This, of course, made for kind of a rough day for mommy on April 9th. Along with everyone that had been there the night before, your Uncle Bob and Aunt Tina drove all the way from Indianapolis to see you, and your Uncle Andy and Aunt Jessica came over as soon as they could. It was nice to know that so many people would be loving on you so I could take a quick nap.
On April 11th, we took you home. Of course your daddy picked out your hat.
I think that’s all I have to say for right now. I’ll pick up where I left off, later. I think I need to go help your daddy, though. He’s giving you a bottle, and I’m pretty sure he’s about to fall asleep, too. I love you, Eli James.
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