Monday, October 10, 2011

Your Half-Birthday

Dear Eli,

This weekend was your half-birthday! Six months have gone by already... it makes me happy and sad all at the same time. We won't talk about that right now because if we do, I'll cry. So... on to less tearful subjects! To celebrate, your grandparents came all the way down from Indiana to see you. They've been here all weekend, and boy have you been loved! We've eaten and laughed and eaten some more. On Saturday night, Aunt Kate's boyfriend, Tom, was over hanging out with all of us. You fell asleep on him and I think he pretty much loved it :)

So for your your half-birthday, Grandma and Grandpa bought you a present: A light-up ball that rolls around. Honestly, I think it might be possessed. It rolls by itself, and then it will say "Bye-Bye!"... but 5 seconds later, it's flashing and rolling around again. You're about the only person that think that's funny, though, and while the rest of us are staring at it, willing the ball to turn off, you'll be laughing.  You're trying to crawl now, so I have no doubt that in no time flat, you're going to be chasing after it.

We're also kinda sure that you said your first word this weekend. You looked at your rubber ducky and said "duck." As plain as could be! You said it several times... who knows if it was a fluke or not, but your mommy likes to think you're advanced, so in my mind, you said it.

 I also wanted to tell you that I took you to the doctor today for your six month check-up. You literally pooped and peed all over that exam room. TWICE. Just thought I'd throw that in here so I can tease you about it when you're older. The nurse looked at me like, "Get control of your son's wiener, please!" But I couldn't get the diaper on you fast enough. Let's just say I was wiping up pee-pee from... well... everywhere.

By the way, you're currently in the floor with your Grandma and Grandpa, and they are rolling a (non-demon possessed) ball with you. Your Grandpa said it's a "ground ball drill." However, you seem more interested in eating the ball than rolling it back. Check out the pictures I just took...

Every time your Grandpa rolls it to you and it hits your feet, you laugh and giggle. Here's a video:

Ok, I do have a video, but Blogspot won't upload it. I'll try again later.

Last thing and then I'll be done for the night... I was at a crafts fair with your Grandmommy and Poppa a few weeks ago, and I found the perfect sign. It said "I love you to the moon and back," so of course I had to buy it. It's currently hanging in your room by your door.

So with that, I'll leave you for now, but not really because I'll never leave you. I love you to the moon and back, Eli James.



PS-Sorry this is kind of a disjointed and not very well written letter. There is a lot going on in the living room right now and I'm distracted. Next time, though, I will be so loquacious you won't be able to stand it!