Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So now that all that gushy stuff is done...

Let's write about the funny stuff!

Since you're learning to talk, you say some of the CUTEST things. Check 'em out :)

The other day at swim lessons (PS-You're IN LOVE with your swim teacher. She's one of my former students and you don't like to share her with Jack or Aiden), I was trying to encourage you. I kept asking you to kick your legs, to which you responded, "I can't mommy! My batteries dead!"

You've changed your grandmommy's name to Hommy. Actually, you call her HommyPoppa. When you miss them, you say "HommyPoppa come see you?" But really, you mean come see me :)

When I take your temperature, you call it "tating my chee-seeker." Seriously, I die from the cuteness!

You've taken quite nicely to a game that daddy and I like to play called Candy Crush. You call it Canny Crush.

There's a kid at the babysitter's house whose name is Cooper. You call him Pooper. You don't even know you're being funny!

When your daddy tries to take you to bed, you snuggle up to me and say "I want Mommy." It's like you know I'm a sucker! I make your daddy be the bad guy and put you to bed. I just... can't.

You started sleeping with your cowboy hat the other night. That's the first item that doesn't belong in a bed that you've insisted be there. I loved it.

You call Roxie "Rossy." Sometimes you say you're scared of her, but let's be honest, we all know you're really not!

I'm sure there's more, and as I think of them, I'll add them, but now, I think I need to lay down. It's been a trying day to say the least, and I need to rest. But as always, son, I love to the moon and back!



Another year has gone by...

Dear Eli,

Over a year has gone by since I last wrote to you. You're now two, and have "graduated" into full blown toddler mayhem. Before I get to your updates, though, I wanted to share a few thoughts with you. Is that ok? (If I were actually asking you this, you'd say no, because you say no to everything. But since this is cyberspace and you won't read this until you are much older, I shall proceed.)

Today at school, a super scary thing happened. One of my students brought a loaded gun with him to campus, and while his intentions are unclear as to whether he wanted to hurt others or only himself, it scared the living daylights out of everyone. It seems he was taken right outside of my classroom, or perhaps a few trailers down. The details have yet to be released, but it was WAY too close for comfort. I must tell you, though, that I KNEW God was watching out for me. Know why? That child managed to make it through almost the whole day with that weapon undetected, but he was caught with it during 7th period, right before coming to my class for 8th. That's right. He would have been sitting not five feet away from my desk with a loaded weapon him. But that didn't happen, did it? Because God used the people in my school to protect not only me, but everyone who was there.

Of course when I heard what was going on, my first thought was for you and daddy. I have a terrible problems of letting the worst thoughts IN, so I couldn't stop thinking about what MIGHT have happened, even though it didn't. And my first thought was the you wouldn't remember me, and would only have these letters to look back on. And what had done in the last year? Not written you a one. (Hold on. You're currently in the bathtub screaming that you've put your toys up and want out. I must go get you, little prince. I'll be right back. PS-You just said "Mommy! What are you DOING?") So I knew that today, I must write you because it's true that you are never guaranteed tomorrow. And that's what I'm doing with you now laying on my shoulder, saying "Mommy, no pressing buttons" because I just told YOU not to press any.

(Hold on... I'm going to give you a chance to type to your future you:

.ygfjbhjimibgd xf b n uhvnmbx bvb  vv  b   cgjm

You're very talented.)

So here are some things I always want you to remember, lest I not be around to tell you them myself

1. Always, and I mean ALWAYS trust in God. His timing is perfect. He is never early, never late, but always on time. Pray to him without ceasing. When you're alone, pray. When you're with people, pray. When you're scared, pray. When you're ecstatic, pray. When you're overwhelmed, pray. When you're thankful, pray. When you have an hour, pray. When you have a second, pray. NEVER forget God, what His Son did for you, and that he chose you, among all people, as His.

2. Be kind. Today at school I witnessed so much ugliness. Beyond what happened with the child that brought the gun to school, I saw student after student be hateful. Remember that making somebody else feel bad really won't make you feel better. If more people would share compliments and less would share criticisms, this world would be a much more beautiful place.

3. Be a gentleman. Open doors for ladies, pay for their meals on dates, and walked on the sidewalk closest to the road. Say yes ma'am, no ma'am, please, and thank you. Manner will get you places, son. I promise.

4. Don't be afraid to get your heartbroken. Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. At some point, you will give your heart to a woman and she will break it. I hate her already. (I kid, I kid... kinda.) When that happens, behave like a gentleman, and move on.

5. Remember that no one will ever love you like your momma. Whether I am here, there, or yonder, you are ALWAYS in my heart and on my mind.

I love you so much it hurts me, Eli James. In fact, I love you to the moon and back... seven times.

