Saturday, September 17, 2011

Look at You, Big Boy!

Dear Eli,

Wow... that's all I can say. The last few weeks since I've written you last... just... wow. Let's begin by telling you that you can now sit up all by yourself! You're growing like a crazy man and I've officially put away all your 3 month clothing. I mean, I guess it was time. You're 5 months old now... I guess I was just hoping you could still fit. You're now wearing all 3-6 month size clothes, and every once in a while, you'll sport something that is 6-9 month. Will you just slow down, please? PLEASE?!

With all this growing that you're doing, you're teething. And I have to admit, it's kinda terrible. For the last week or so, you've been keeping your daddy and I up all. night. long. Today is Saturday, and on Tuesday of this week, I couldn't take it any more. I had reached my breaking point. I was exhausted. Your daddy was exhausted. You were even exhausted. I cried that morning as I was getting ready for work, cried on the way there, cried when I got to school, cried in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th periods, and cried when I got home.

That night when I put you to bed, I prayed that God would not only watch over you, but also allow you to sleep.

He granted me that prayer.

But that's been the only night.

Needless to say, we are TIRED, but life doesn't stop just because your mommy and daddy are sleepy. Last night, you and I went to your Grandmommy and Poppa's house because Grandmommy needed help making cupcakes for a wedding shower we all went to today. Your Poppa got to spend a lot of time with you last night while your Grandmommy and I were in the kitchen. He fed you (you had a banana for the first time!), played with you, and then gave you a bath. After we were done in the kitchen, your Grandmommy came in played with you. You kept laughing and giggling at her. You thought she was pretty funny! This is you hanging out with them:

So, the wedding shower was cowboy themed, and we all dressed up. I wish we had taken a picture because you looked SO cute. You had on a white t-shirt, dark jeans, and a bandanna. Your daddy even dressed up... what a good sport! He was happy, though, that we got home in time for the Notre Dame game, which leads me to my next point.

So you're going to grow up confused. Who do I cheer for? Notre Dame? UGA? Both? Your daddy and me have had some friend, yet heated, discussions about this topic. We finally came to the decision that you can cheer for both, but remember that if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy... ;)

But really, none of us have been happy with either team lately. Georgia started off 0-2 and Notre Dame was the same. Here are some pictures from your very first game day! (Yes, we changed your clothes for each game!)

Yeah....... we both lost that day.

But good news! Both UGA and Notre Dame won today!! Georgia beat Coastal Carolina (I know, right?! They better have won!), and Notre Dame beat Michigan State. So today, you have two very happy parents!

And you know what makes you the most happy? Walking in your walker! Yes, you've already started scooting around in one. It's really cute. When your daddy gets home from the restaurant with our dinner (celebratory chicken wings!), I'll post a video of you toddling around. It's so cute! Actually, as I'm sitting here writing to you, you're cruisin' around the living room. The coffee table is covered in clean laundry I've had to stop you from pulling things off of it several times now. You LOVE being able to get around! This is you right now:

Ok, Bubba, I gotta go now. You're busily pulling all my clean underwear into the floor. Apparently you think it's funny to make a mess. I love to you to the moon and back, Eli James!

